Sunday 7 July 2013



Not only have dinosaurs NOT been extinct for 70 million years, there is plenty of evidence that many are still alive today. The deception starts with the Rothschild dynasty who own many excavation sites around the globe. Remember, they are and illuminati family who wants to keep as many people unsure and unaware of mankinds beginnings as possible. If you don't know where you came from, how on earth can you know where you're going? The fact is there are many references to living dinosaurs in the bible. Such is the case in: JOB: 41, Ps: 74:14 and Isa: 27, where they are referred to as "Leviathan". There are countless other passages that refer to "dragons" as well. As a matter of fact the term "Dinosaur" is a relatively modern term which means "terrible lizard". There are numerous ancient writings where dragons were referred to as living at the same times as humans. Lets look at carcasses that have washed up on shores around the globe that shows the undeniable existence of dinosaurs that are still alive.

This is the Zuiyo-Macu carcass that was caught in a japanese fishing boat off the coast of New Zealand in 1977. The carcass was decaying and weighed 4000 lbs. This dinosaur had been dead for about 30 days. The pseudo-scientists tried to tell us this was a basking shark. HARDLY! This creature has a long neck and vertebrae in it's neck. Just because they claimed it had protein 95% similar to a shark means nothing. That's like using the argument that a watermelon and a cloud are both 99% water, therefore they are the same thing.....nonsense!

Here's another picture of a Plesiosaur that washed up on Moore's Beach in Monterey, California in 1925. The neck of this animal was 20 feet long!

There are also photo's of animals like the ones below that washed up on shore in South Africa and in Russia. If these aren't dinosaurs, then can anyone explain what these animals are?

(BELOW LEFT) Here is another modern day dinosaur that was photographed by a Japanese crew that science tried to pass off as a "frilled shark" Look at this picture...does this look like any known shark to you?

There are other stories of modern day dinosaurs from Central Africa where the natives refer to it as "Mokele Mbembe" pronounced "mo-kill-aye-mem-bay".

There have been numerous pictures of "Champ" (below right) which is a Plesiosaur that lives in Lake Champlain, New York.

So you see the mystery of the Lock Ness monster etc, really isn't a mystery at all. They are Plesiosaurs that aren't extinct. Today, there are not the huge number of dinosaurs that existed before the flood of Noah's day killed most of them (no, a prehistoric meteor didn't kill the dinosaurs) and they certainly aren't as big...but some are still with us today. Now if modern day science which is pretty much controlled by the Rothschild family would open their eyes and shut their mouths...we would all be better off.


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